We believe that when you give hope,   you get hope!   

We believe that when you GIVE hope, you GET hope! The Cleveland Hope Exchange is a movement combating HOPELESSNESS across Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. Our mission is to meet the needs of individuals in order to speak to their potential. We will strive to meet the unmet needs and solve the unsolved humanitarian problems in the city of Cleveland through unified conversations, passionate volunteer-driven outreach, and innovative projects and services that change lives.

We believe that when you GIVE hope, you GET hope! The Cleveland Hope Exchange is a movement combating HOPELESSNESS across Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. Our mission is to meet the needs of individuals in order to speak to their potential. We will strive to meet the unmet needs and solve the unsolved humanitarian problems in the city of Cleveland through unified conversations, passionate volunteer-driven outreach, and innovative projects and services that change lives.

Megan Gallagher/ Executive Director

I am a community activist, problem solver & wild believer that great change is possible. With both domestic and international experience in grassroots movements and nonprofits, I have seen the cycle of despair in many forms of humanitarian issues. I desire true transformation in our community, even in the darkest corners and deepest rooted issues.I believe in waking up with the idea that something wonderful is about to happen, and if your passions collide with our movement of HOPE, I’d love to partner with you in whatever you are believing in as well. Together, we can make change happen.



Cleveland has the second highest poverty rate among big cities in America at 35%, rising from previous years. While some parts of the city are thriving, like the booming restaurant industry and the growing entrepreneur base, the reality is that many are trapped in poverty & cycles of hunger, homelessness, human trafficking, and addiction, leaving individuals and families left with little hope.



We have adopted the Clark-Fulton neighborhood because we are passionate about helping neighborhoods that are fighting high poverty levels. We are working closely with the city, other non-profits and businesses in Clark-Fulton to bring HOPE through our Hope Days. Each month we give out free fresh produce, showers, haircuts, kids books, career advice, and so much more. Join us at our upcoming Hope Day to build meaningful relationships that can make all the difference!

Did you know that human trafficking is happening in the local hotels across our city? We are passionate about educating the front desk workers and hotel staff about the signs to look for in order to identify victims and bring them to safety. The Cleveland Hope Exchange is also hosting the Walk for Freedom on October 19th, 2019 – a global walk with local impact. If you’re interested in learning more about human trafficking and want to put that knowledge to use with outreach in our city.





Did you know that human trafficking is happening in the local hotels across our city? We are passionate about educating the front desk workers and hotel staff about the signs to look for in order to identify victims and bring them to safety. The Cleveland Hope Exchange is also hosting the Walk for Freedom on October 19th, 2019 – a global walk with local impact. If you’re interested in learning more about human trafficking and want to put that knowledge to use with outreach in our city.


“People don’t become homeless when they run out of money, at least not right away. They become homeless when they run out of relationships.Be a part of the solution by building relationships

“Where will my next meal come from?” –Cuyahoga County had the highest number of food insecure residents in the state of Ohio in 2016 at approximately 233,580 individuals and was also home to the largest number of food insecure children in the state of Ohio, at 57,610 children. The Cleveland Hope Exchange has partnered with the Cleveland Food Bank to pass out 6,000 pounds of fresh produce each month in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Want to be a part of fighting hunger in our city?



“Where will my next meal come from?” –Cuyahoga County had the highest number of food insecure residents in the state of Ohio in 2016 at approximately 233,580 individuals and was also home to the largest number of food insecure children in the state of Ohio, at 57,610 children. The Cleveland Hope Exchange has partnered with the Cleveland Food Bank to pass out 6,000 pounds of fresh produce each month in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood. Want to be a part of fighting hunger in our city?


“14 people died every day in Ohio last year from overdose drug death”. We are honored to partner with local organizations to break the cycle of addiction and connect those struggling in this area to the right resources in our city.